Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Instaglam | Gifts from Mom!

Against my better judgement as I'm not too pleased with them at the moment, I've decided to start a little series on my blog called ~Instaglam~ Silly name, but it'll do. Basically, I instagram loads of my outfits, things I purchase, et cetera, so I figured I'd post them on this blog, as well! Won't always be great pictures, but still fun. 
My mom had these hanging on the back of my door when I got back to the States last night. Early Christmas gifts! The dress and cardigan are both form Free People and are absolutely gorgeous. Very excited to wear them this holiday season! 


  1. I saw that dress on free people. It's so pretty! xx

  2. Ahh I've wanted that dress from Free People for quite some time, but alas I am a poor college student. Jealous!
